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Operating System Upgrade Implementation Brief

Updated: May 10, 2021

The following report outlines the process for implementing an Operating System Upgrade for a large company. The report consists of six sections: An overview of the Operating System Upgrade process, a coding report for the upgrade notification, a network configuration report, and a database report. Employees in the Information Technology (IT) Department will utilize this information to upgrade the Operating System by first sending notifications to employees about the upgrade and altering the database to prepare for the upgrade. IT Department employees will then address problems with the Local Area Network.

Operating System Upgrade Implementation Brief

It will be necessary to implement an Operating System Upgrade this month for all employee computers. Information Technology (IT) Department Employees are required to read through this report, which outlines all processes involved in the Operating System Upgrade Project.

Project Overview

The Operating System (OS) Upgrade will be enacted on every computer within the company. The upgrade will happen in groups, so some employees can continue working and everyone will not be inoperable at the same time. This is a brief overview of the process for enacting the OS Upgrade. Subsequent sections will go into further detail for each process.

First, IT employees must alter the provided code in order to send all employees notifications of when the OS Upgrade will take place. The employees will be split into groups, and the OS Upgrade will happen on separate days for each group. Employees will be notified multiple times, so they have plenty of time to prepare for their computer being down.

After setting up the OS Upgrade notifications, IT employees will review the Local Area Network. Diagrams are provided and suggestions have been made to improve upon the existing network. The suggestion made should help the company with safety, efficiency, and connectivity.

The Database is an important part of the OS Upgrade. Information and instructions are provided for IT employees to be able to alter the Microsoft Access database with the correct dates of the OS Upgrade. They can then pull a Query that will tell them the OS Upgrade dates for specific groups and the computers associated with those groups. The Upgrade can take place after these three steps have been implemented.

Operating System Upgrade Implementation Brief

In this report I will discuss five aspects of the JavaScript code that have been provided. This initial code is seen in the screenshot below. The code creates a countdown timer. The countdown timer will countdown the number of days until an operating system upgrade will be enacted. This countdown will be inserted into a notification to all employees in the company from the IT department. The message will notify them each day of how many days are left until the upgrade. After analyzing the code I will be making my own modifications to the code so that the upgrade dates are correct for each group of employees.


The code begins by declaring variables. Each variable will hold information that is essential to the countdown timer. The variables are declared using var as the keyword, and a specific name, known as an identifier. The first variable, declared with the identifier “today”, will hold the value for the current date. The second variable declared uses the identifier “UpgradeDay”, which will hold the value for the chosen day that the operating system will be upgraded. The variable “timeLeft” will be used to subtract the variable “today” from the variable “UpgradeDay”, which will give us the time left before the actual operating system upgrade will take place.

The getTime() Method1

In this section I will be focusing on line eight of the provided code that uses the getTime() method. The identifier “msPerDay” stands for “milliseconds per day”. This variable holds a calculation that stores the number of milliseconds in a twenty-four hour day for later use. Upon further research I learned that the getTime() method, being used for the “timeLeft” variable, required that there be an extra step for converting milliseconds to days. The getTime() method uses what’s called universal time and returns the value as milliseconds from the date January, 1, 1970 to the current date. (JavaScript getTime() Method, 2020) However, counting down the milliseconds until the upgrade occurs would not prove useful to employees. To prevent them from having to convert milliseconds to days, the “days” variable divides the “msPerDay” variable by the “timeLeft” variable, returning the value for days instead of milliseconds.

The floor() Function

There is one function left to utilize in order to get the desired output from our countdown timer. The last variable declared is the “daysLeft” variable. Draw your attention to line ten of our code. It uses the floor() function. “In JavaScript, floor() is a function that is used to return the largest integer value that is less than or equal to a number. In other words, the floor() function rounds a number down and returns an integer value. Because the floor() function is a static function of the Math object, it must be invoked through the placeholder object called Math.” (Javascript: Math floor() function, 2020) So, if the “days” variable happens to return a decimal, enacting the floor() function will round the variable down to the nearest integer, giving us the number of full days left in our countdown.


A string in JavaScript is used to display text. Strings consist of letters and words written inside quotes. In the provided code, the document.write() method is used on line 11 to display a message to employees about the operating system upgrade. The “daysLeft” variable is inserted into the string, so that the countdown timer will be displayed along with the message.


HTML tags within this code tell the computer how to format the way the message is displayed. The tags used within the string that displays the message are the <P> tag, the <H> tag, and the <BR> tag. The <P> tag defines a paragraph, the <H> tag defines HTML headings, and the <BR> tag defines a single line break, moving the remaining words to a new line.

Altering the Code

The date needs to be changed so that the countdown timer will output at least 30 days until the operating system upgrade. I simply changed the date in line six of the code to 40 days in the future. This changed the information held in the variable identified as “UpgradeDay”. When I clicked on “Preview” I received the desired output.

The instructions for this assignment also state that employee computers would be upgraded in groups at different intervals. I decided to add an informative heading, a string that could be customized for each of the five groups, and a string to let the employees know that this message was from their IT Department. The changes I made are outlined in yellow in the screenshot below. I believe these changes will communicate the importance of the upgrade and make employees less likely to dismiss the notification without paying attention. In the following screenshots, notice that the output is customized for each group, listing which group the countdown is notifying, and the number of days left for that specific group.

The following screenshots depict the outcome for the code changes for all five of the OS Upgrade Groups with their correct dates and group names.

Group 1:

Group 2:

Group 3:

Group 4:

Group 5:

Networking Report

In this report I will be reviewing the provided networking diagram shown below. I will describe each component of the diagram and their purpose in the network. I will also be critiquing the configuration of the network and suggesting a few different options to complete the network diagram.

Ethernet Local Area Network

A Network is “the interconnection of multiple devices, generally termed as Hosts connected using multiple paths for the purpose of sending/receiving data or media.” (Basics of computer networking, 2019) The diagram provided above illustrates an Ethernet-based Local Area Network(LAN). A LAN connects computers and devices in a limited area. Usually this type of network is set up within the same building and is ideal for a homes, offices, and schools. The Ethernet connection is represented by the blue line running through the center of the diagram. The Ethernet wire is the pathway in which packets of information are sent and received through the LAN to the various devices connected to it. “Each device possesses an Ethernet address, also known as a MAC address. Sending devices use Ethernet addresses to specify the intended recipients of messages.” (Mitchell, 2019)

Router-Firewall and Private IP Addresses

The orange box labelled “Router-Firewall” appears to be connected to the Ethernet LAN in the diagram. All devices in the LAN should be connected to the router in order to be included in the network. This allows all devices in the network to communicate with each other. The router has a few other purposes within the network. Each device has what is called a Media Access Control (MAC) Address that is assigned to the device when it is made in the factory. The router uses these unique MAC addresses to assign new private network Internet Protocol(IP) addresses. (Mitchell, Learn the purpose of the Router IP Address, 2020) You can see these IP addresses listed on the network diagram beside each device connected to the network. The purpose of these addresses is so the Ethernet LAN knows which device to send packets of information to. Another router function is to automatically create a firewall, a layer of protection, between the internet and the LAN. However, a firewall is not necessary if the network is not connected to the internet.


The little cloud floating in the bottom left side of the network diagram represents the internet. This part of the diagram is missing a very key piece of equipment if we want our devices to be able to send and receive information from places outside of our Local Area Network. A router can connect our devices to each other, but it cannot connect them to the internet that comes from an Internet Service Provider (ISP) like AT&T or Comcast. This is where we will need to add a Modem to the network. A modem connects the internet to the router through an ethernet cable. This incorporates the internet into the LAN.


In addition to the router, the diagram shows various other devices connected to the Ethernet LAN. There are three departments comprised of three computers each, as we can see from the IP addresses listed on the diagram. There are three printers, each one assigned to a specific department. There is also one department server that appears as if it will be shared by the entire network. Computers are used by employees to process data through the use of software programs, printers receive information from computers in order to print documents and images, and servers are used to receive, store, retrieve and send data to other devices on the network. We can see why it would be important for all of these devices to be interconnected in some way.

There is a second major fault in the network diagram that is apparent when we look at all of these devices. The diagram does not show how each of these devices is connected to the network. We cannot run one ethernet cable through the entire network, and one router usually will not have enough ports to connect fourteen different devices. The network needs one or possibly more devices in order to operate correctly.

One option is to use switches. A switch connects multiple devices to the LAN. I would recommend that each department, consisting of three computers and one shared printer, use a switch to connect to the router. A hub is the same concept and could also be used, but a switch has added benefits. “When four computers are connected to a hub, for example, and two of those computers communicate with each other, hubs simply pass through all network traffic to each of the four computers. Switches, on the other hand, are capable of determining the destination of each individual traffic element (such as an Ethernet frame) and selectively forwarding data to the one computer that actually needs it.” (Mitchell, The difference between routers, switches, and hubs, 2019) Each department can be connected by the switch to the initial router. The server can be connected to the main router by an ethernet cable, so as to be accessible by all three departments.

There is an alternative to using switches to connect the department computers and printers to the LAN. If all devices are hard wired to the network, it will limit employee mobility. If an employee needs to bring their laptop to a meeting, they would not be able to do so without losing network connectivity. The solution would be to replace switches with Wi-fi routers that are capable of transmitting a wireless signal throughout the departments. This is called a Wireless Access Point (WAP). These routers can be connected to a single switch that then connects to the main router. Most devices these days are made with wireless capabilities, including printers. (Pinola, 2020) The benefit of this configuration is flexibility. Employees can bring their devices to join meetings, move offices, print to a different location, or catch up on emails in the break room without the inconvenience of cables. Even if just one Wi-fi router is added to the network the business would have the option of using wireless internet in some areas of the building like common areas and meeting rooms. Also, a guest Wi-fi network could be created and accessed by visitors.

Below, I have included a revised diagram that I created in Microsoft Visio with some suggested changes. The initial diagram included essential network devices, but it was lacking some important details. By adding a modem, the network can now utilize the internet. Adding switches connects each department to the router and server, and the option of incorporating a Wireless Access Point can add a level of convenience to the office environment. Of course, there are other configurations that would also be effective.

In this report I will be modifying a Microsoft Access database that holds information about employees and their computers. The purpose of altering the database is to successfully carry out a company-wide Operating System upgrade. The employees will be split into five groups, and each group’s computers will be upgraded on different days so as not to obstruct workflow more than is necessary. I will discuss the process of modifying the dates on which the upgrades will take place, as well as the process of creating a query that pulls information for the upgrade from multiple tables.

The database I will be altering holds four tables of information on the employees and their computers. The four tables are labelled: Computer Information, Employee Information, Job Titles, and Upgrade Information.

The Computer Information table has four fields: Computer ID, Location, Employee ID, and Advanced Software Packet. This table tells us pertinent information related to each employee’s computer. It tells us the designated identification number of each computer, the location of the computer in the building, the identification number of the employee each computer is assigned to, and whether or not that employee requires an Advanced Software Packet. When I toggle the View icon on the ribbon at the top of the window, I can see in Design View that the Computer ID field has been designated as the Primary Key. The Computer ID field is also a “Number” data type. This means that when this table is linked to another table, the foreign key it is linked to must also be a Number data type. The Employee ID field is also a Number data type, which will be important to note when I create a query.

The Employee Information table has six fields: Employee ID, Last Name, First Name, Job Title, Office Phone, and Mobile Phone. In this table the Employee ID field is a Number data type, just as it was in the Computer Information table. The Employee ID field is also designated as the Primary Key, so it will be an obvious link in establishing a relationship between these first two tables.

The Job Titles table has only one field where all of the possible job titles are listed. The Job Title field is designated as the primary key and is a Short Text data type. The Employee Information table has a field for the job title for each employee, so the Job Title table is not used in the query that needs to be run for the operating system upgrade.

The last table is the Upgrade Information table. It has five fields: Computer ID, Upgrade Group, Current OS Version, Upgrade OS Version, and Upgrade Date. This table tells us some new information and some repetitive information. We have already seen the Computer ID field on the Computer Information table. In the Upgrade Information table, the Computer ID field is also designated as the Primary Key and it is also a Number data type. This will create another obvious link when creating relationships between the Computer Information table and the Upgrade Information table. The only field that is blank is the Upgrade Date field. This is the field that I will be adding the appropriate dates to for each of the five upgrade groups.

In order to add dates to the Upgrade Information table I must first use the View icon on the ribbon at the top of the window to toggle into Design View. Design View allows me to alter the data type for the field labelled “Upgrade Date”. Next to the field name I can click on the box under Data Type and a down arrow will appear. I can click the down arrow and several options appear. I click on the “Date/Time” option so that when I go back into the table view to enter the correct dates a calendar will be present for choosing the correct dates for each group.

The field labelled Upgrade Groups in the Upgrade Information table assigns each computer a group number from one through five which will be linked to each computer’s identification number for the purpose of creating a query. The groups are out of order, so the first thing I do is click the down arrow next to the field name and click Sort A-Z. This will sort them from Group 1 through Group 5 in ascending order. This just makes it easier to enter the correct dates for each group. I enter the date August 11, 2020 for Group 1, August 13, 2020, for Group 2, August 16, 2020 for Group 3, August 19, 2020 for Group 4, and August 21, 2020 for Group 5. These dates match the dates I used for the Upgrade Notification in my Programming Report.

Creating A Query is simple if the tables are linked correctly. I selected the Create tab on the ribbon and click on Query Wizard. A window pops up listing all of the tables in the database. I highlight a table and the fields are shown below. I add fields from multiple tables and omit fields that I do not want to show up in my report. When I am done, I click Finish and the report appears. If the relationships between the tables are not linked correctly, there will be an error message and I will be given an option to edit the relationships between the tables.

The query Upgrade List has been provided in this database. It pulls information from three separate tables. From the Employee Information table, it pulls information from the First Name field, the Last Name field, and the Job Title field. From the Computer Information table, the query pulls just the Location field. From the Upgrade Information table, the query pulls information from the Upgrade Group field and the Upgrade Date field. Even though this query was created before I altered the Upgrade Information table, the Upgrade Dates I entered into the table automatically populated into the report.

Some of the tables have the same fields, but all of the tables hold additional fields that the other tables do not have. Linking the tables gives us the ability to pull data from multiple tables at the same time. So, if I want a report that includes only employee names, their computer IDs, and the upgrade date for their computer I would have to pull from various tables at once. This will not be possible if the tables are not linked correctly. The link must start at a Primary Key and connect to a Foreign Key that has the same data type designation. If the Primary Key has a Number data type and you attempt to link it to a text data type, you will receive an error message.

The Query created for this assignment was successful due to the proper relationships created between the tables. First, the Employee ID field in the Employee Information table was used as a starting point because it is designated as the Primary Key. It was linked to the Employee ID field in the Computer Information table because both fields have Number data types, so they are compatible. The second link is made between the Computer ID fields from the Computer Information table to the Upgrade Information table. Both fields are Primary Keys and both fields have Number data types and the link is successful.

The creation of a successful database takes a lot of forethought. If the Primary Keys and data types are not set up in the Design phase it would take a lot of work to go back and move things around, so that the tables can be linked. This Database was well planned out making the task of altering it to meet the needs of my query a simple task.


Basics of computer networking. (2019, January 9). Retrieved from Computer science engineering:

Mitchell, B. (2019, September 26). Introduction to ethernet. Retrieved from

Mitchell, B. (2019, November 4). The difference between routers, switches, and hubs. Retrieved from

Mitchell, B. (2020, April 12). Learn the purpose of the Router IP Address. Retrieved from

Pinola, M. (2020, May 1). Undertanding wi-fi and how it works. Retrieved from

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